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Ask a Specialist: What Are Stretches to Do During Cold Weather?

If you have noticed that your muscles are sorer when you work out in cold weather, you aren’t alone. Many an orthopedic surgeon has seen numerous patients with similar complaints in the winter months. Cold temperatures can exacerbate existing pain or even cause pain that wasn’t there before, for a variety of reasons. For example, the cold can cause muscles to become tighter and force them to work harder to accomplish the same tasks. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to relieve wintertime pain, starting with a few great stretches. A sports medicine physician at Landa Spine & Orthopedic Center shares some tips.

Warm up and stay warm

It’s always wise to make sure your muscles are warm before starting a workout. Stretching cold muscles can lead to straining or pulling them because they’re too tight. When the temperature is low, start with some light activity such as walking or jogging to get your blood pumping and your muscles warm. When you begin stretching, keep things moving with dynamic stretches to ensure that your body stays warmed up. During your workout, if there’s an extended pause, remain in motion throughout the break by jogging in place or continuing your dynamic stretching to keep your muscles warm and prevent injury.

Cool down properly

Even though it’s chilly, it’s still essential to cool your body down correctly after working out. Include some static stretches in your cool down to slow your heart rate safely and help your muscles relax. A proper cool-down will also give your flexibility and range of motion a boost and help with future

Choose the right dynamic stretches

There are many ways to stay warm and stretch your muscles simultaneously. Some options include:

  • Foam rolling. If you haven’t used foam rollers before, you’re in for a treat. It’s a lot like a deep- tissue massage, using slow movements to help the body get accustomed to the activity. Foam rolling is a great pre-workout way to hydrate your muscles and get them ready for exercise.
  • Walking lunges. Walking lunges increase hip flexibility, strengthen the core, and give your balance a boost. If space is tight, try climbing stairs instead for a similar hip-loosening activity.
  • Arm circles. You probably remember these from high school sports or gym class. They’re still an excellent way to improve circulation and loosen up the shoulders because they target several areas at once including the upper back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps.
  • Downward-facing dog to plank. Here is a series of movements that includes an inversion (head below the heart) and also includes some light hamstring stretching. Focus on fluidity between poses and enjoying the stretching and warming effects.
  • Sun salutations. If there are one perfect warming and stretching exercise, this is it. Try a few rounds of sun salutations to get your workout off to a great start or just to start your day with movement. Because sun salutations can be a little more challenging than the other stretches on this list, start with a few of the others and end your stretching session with this one.

At Landa Spine & Orthopedic Center, we dedicate ourselves to patient education and compassionate care. Talk with a sports medicine doctor if you are experiencing more pain during the winter months –our orthopedic specialist can make recommendations and determine the best treatment for your specific condition, needs, and goals. To visit our sports medicine clinic, contact us today for anappointment.