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Five Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain is a widespread complaint. Most of the time, this type of pain is due to a benign condition such as muscle strain. The neck is vulnerable to straining because it is continuously in use. Neck pain will often respond well to home remedies and over-the-counter medications. However, it’s best to see a doctor rule out anything more serious, especially if the pain is prolonged or severe. Your doctor can determine the cause of your pain and the best treatment for it; in the meantime, here are five of the most common reasons for neck pain.


Over time, the discs and vertebrae in the neck naturally wear down. As this degeneration or “wear and tear” occurs, the person may experience persistent or chronic pain in the neck. Besides natural degeneration due to aging, there are also certain conditions that can lead to the breaking down of the discs, vertebrae, and other structures in the neck. These conditions
include pinched nerves, inflammation, arthritis, and cervical fractures.

Non-specific neck pain

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to pinpoint the exact cause of a person’s pain. In some cases, a person notices neck pain of a non-specific origin, meaning that no apparent reason can be identified. This type of pain may be caused by consistent poor posture, mainly when a person spends several hours of the day bent forward (as often seen in people who work at computers). Minor tears and sprains are also possible reasons for non-specific neck pain.

Poor sleeping positions

Have you ever woken up in the morning with a stiff or painful neck? “Sleeping wrong” is a common cause of neck pain, and this type of pain is usually temporary and relatively mild. Several factors can affect how your neck feels when you wake up including the position you sleep in, the number of pillows you use, and the firmness or softness of your mattress. Ensuring that your head has the proper support and that your neck is in alignment when you sleep can minimize the chances of waking up in pain.


You may be aware that stress and anxiety can lead to headaches, but did you know that it can also affect the muscles in your neck? When you’re tense, the tightness in your neck and shoulders can result in neck pain. Furthermore, chronic neck pain can cause fatigue, irritability, and even depression, adding even more stress. This discomfort can become a cycle that’s difficult to escape, so stress management is an effective way to manage all types of pain, including neck pain.


The term “whiplash” means a neck injury in which the head “whips” forward and back again very quickly and suddenly. Whiplash is common in vehicle accidents, but it can also occur in sports injuries or other sudden movements. Whiplash is painful because the sudden force can stretch or tear the tendons and muscles in the neck.

If you are experiencing neck pain, Landa Spine & Orthopedic Center can help. Contact us today for a consultation.